38th Annual WCTF Career Conference
Michigan League, Modern Languages Building, Hill Auditorium
Click here to view the keynote
Women on a Mission 2.0: Leadership, Citizenship & Advocacy
The Women of Color Task Force is excited host its 38th annual career conference on Friday, March 6, 2020. All U-M staff, faculty, students and the public, regardless of gender or ethnicity, are invited to register to attend this inclusive professional development event. Attendees may select from a variety of workshop sessions designed to support their professional and personal development.
The conference keynote will be a conversation with Dr. Joy DeGruy, nationally & internationally renowned researcher, educator, author, & presenter, and Dr. Julianne Malveaux, economist, author, social and political commentator, & businesswoman. They will discuss inclusive citizenship and the role of women as transformative change agents for voting rights, economic policy, prison reform, and access to education.
Please note that the keynote lecture (8:30-10:30am at Hill Auditorium) is open to the general public and no registration is required. However, pre-registration is required to attend the Career Conference workshops and luncheon. Click here to view the keynote!
The deadline to register for the conference was February 26, 2020.
Keynote Speaker

Dr. Joy DeGruy
Joy DeGruy, PhD holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication, a Master’s degree in Social Work (MSW), a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, and a PhD in Social Work Research. Dr. DeGruy is a nationally and internationally renowned researcher and educator. For over two decades, she served as an Assistant Professor at Portland State University’s School of Social Work and now serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Joy DeGruy Publications Inc.
Dr. DeGruy’s research focuses on the intersection of racism, trauma, violence, and American chattel slavery. With a 30-year professional background in social work, Dr. Degruy conducts workshops and trainings in the areas of intergenerational/historical trauma, mental health, social justice, improvement strategies, and evidence-based model development.
Dr. DeGruy has published numerous journal articles and book chapters. Her most well-known publication is entitled “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury & Healing.” She has also developed an assessment scale for measuring respect with regard to African American male youth.
Keynote Speaker

Dr. Julianne Malveaux
Dr. Julianne Malveaux has long been recognized for her progressive and insightful observations. She is a labor economist, noted author and colorful commentator. Her contributions to the public dialogue on issues such as race, culture, gender and their economic impacts are shaping public opinion in 21st Century America. Currently, Dr. Malveaux serves on the boards of the Economic Policy Institute as well as The Black Doctoral Network. She is President of PUSH Excel, the educational branch of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. A native San Franciscan, she is the Founder and President of Economic Education, a 501-c3 organization focused on personal finance and economic policy education and their connection. Economic Education is headquartered in Washington, D.C. In 2019, she began recording MALVEAUX! for University of the District of Columbia TV.
Patricia Coleman–Burns, PhD is a University of Michigan Assistant Professor Emerita of Nursing and Adjunct/Affiliated Professor in the Department for Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS). She has focused her career on retention and successful learning behaviors of underrepresented nursing students; health disparities and social justice in patient-centered care and providers’ behaviors; Black ideology; and the Colored Women’s Club Movement. Her research has evolved from rhetorical studies of radical and revolutionary social movements to a focus on racial identity in the reduction of health disparities through social justice and social determinants of health perspective that examines workforce diversity, the education of underrepresented persons, efficacious research and community impact. The recipient of numerous honors, away rds and grants, Dr. Coleman–Burns is also a steering committee member of the Women of Color in the Academy Project (WOCAP) which is housed at CEW+.
Conference Schedule

Michigan League
Hill Auditorium
Michigan League
Modern Languages Building and Michigan League
Michigan League
Modern Languages Building and Michigan League
Michigan League Concourse & Hussey Room - 2nd Floor
Workshop Descriptions
Download a print version of the workshop descriptions here.
Workshop Room Key:
ML = Michigan League
MLB = Modern Languages Building
NQ = North Quad
MORNING SESSIONS, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Leadership Development
A1. From Knowing Better to Doing Better: Closing the Opportunity Gap for Women in the Workplace through Transformed Systems Behavior
A2. Real Power: Building Supportive Connections (ML Henderson)
Presenter: Mark Saine, MS, MA, TIAA
For years, the focus in networking has been meeting people, the more the better. So we have gone to conferences, breakfasts, and meet-up groups and have clicked through hundreds of LinkedIn profiles, spending most of our networking energy on being connected with the “right” people rather than on having the right conversations. The real power in a network comes from meaningful, supportive connections not casual meetings. In this session, we will practice building real connections by learning how to tell the stories of who we are and what we contribute, and how to solicit meaningful stories from others.
A3. Titles Don’t Make Leaders: Actualizing Organizational Citizenship (MLB 2114)
Presenter: Veretta Nix, MA, Zingermans Community of Businesses
Individuals regardless of administrative or functional titles often demonstrate leadership in the workplace. Both aspiring and current leaders can look to the attributes of corporate citizenship to enhance personal effectiveness, positively shape organization culture, and increase organizational success.
A4: Survival Tips for Women of Color in Leadership (MLB 1400)
Presenter: Patricia Coleman-Burns, PhD, School of Nursing
How do you deal with discrimination? Are the skills and resources to address the concerns of women of color different compared to majority women? This session will cover strategies for guarding against professional and personal aggressions and assaults that women of color experience when serving in leadership roles.
Career & Personal Development
A5. Overcoming Biases for High-Quality Workplace Interactions (MLB B116)
Presenters: Phyllis Blackman, MBA, and Michael Herrington, MEd, SPHR, OHEI
This interactive workshop explores the important role relationship building plays in both the overall mission and interactions within the workplace. Participants will explore how their biases and lenses impact not only their assumptions about other people but the quality of their interactions as well. We will explore inclusive ways to foster relationships and create an environment where people can feel like they belong and can thrive to help create a positive place for ALL!
A6. SMASH Your Fear!! (MLB 1200)
Presenter: Kimika Garrett, MS, Organizational Kimistry
A7. Taking Charge of Your Career (MLB 2212)
Presenters: Darrell Washington and Linda Dabrowski, University Human Resources
Interested in taking control of your professional development? Attend this session to learn about the various resources available to support your career and educational advancement including personal branding and managing your career. Begin to put a plan in place for self-directed professional and career progress.
A8. Negotiating for Pay Equity (MLB 1220)
Presenters: Amy Acs, Adient, and Alexandra Foster, Pet Supplies Plus
Gender pay gaps exist across a variety of demographics and industries. How can we as women and/or leaders in our organizations influence processes and partners to close the gap? This session will reveal strategies to help participants more confidently engage in salary negotiations from both the perspective of a candidate and a leader.
A9. LGBTQ Allyhood Training (MLB 2202)
Presenter: Will Sherry, Spectrum Center, and Alyssa Garcia, Learning and Development Program Specialist, Spectrum Center
Allyhood Development Training (ADT) uses a social justice framework to illustrate the lived experiences of LGBTQ identified people to workshop participants. Topics will include social (e.g. racial, ethnic, cultural, economic) identities, LGBTQ terminology, active bystander intervention strategies, and practice utilizing the day’s knowledge and skills in real-life scenarios. Through active engagement in the training, participants will grow in their personal awareness, knowledge, skills, and actions as it relates to their engagement in doing ally work.
Financial Education
A10. She’s Got It: A Woman’s Guide to Saving and Investing (ML Koessler)
Presenter: Shar Banks, MBA, CFP®, ChFC®, TIAA
Investing and saving strategies for women, core concepts that guide all investing, building a plan and taking action, ways to help take on life challenges without damaging future financial well-being.
Health & Wellness
A11. Herbal and Natural Supplements: How to Assess If They Are Good for You (MLB 1420)
Presenters: Shaun Logan, PhD, and Jayne Reuben, PhD, TAMU College of Dentistry
Dietary supplements are big business because many people take them to improve their health. But how do you know which supplements are safe for you to take? In this interactive session, attendees will learn about the differences between supplements and drugs. The presenters will discuss how to find reputable information about commonly used dietary and herbal supplements as well as complementary and integrative medicine approaches that can impact your health. This workshop is designed to equip you with the basic knowledge and resources to find out what is in your over-the-counter (OTC) health products and to help you generate a list of questions to ask your doctor about dietary supplements that can affect the activity of your prescribed medicines.
A12. Personal Self Defense and Conflict Management (ML Room D)
Presenters: Candace Dorsey, MLS, and Gary Hicks, DPSS
The presentation will identify and explore various ways to assert oneself effectively, while standing up for personal points of view, respecting the rights, beliefs and expressed views of others in a calm and positive way. We will examine both verbal and non-verbal communication skills and physical skills; explore various ways to be assertive, without being aggressive or rude to others; focus on building self-esteem, self-confidence, feeling empowered; and earning the respect of peers and colleagues. Being assertive is about individual comfort levels, so tactics demonstrated in this presentation are considered optional ways to resolve conflict.
A13. How Stress Management and Physical Activity Can Help You Be Healthier (MLB 2402)
Presenter: Colleen Greene, MS, MHealthy
This workshop will teach participants specific techniques for supporting their health and well-being while at work. Included in the presentation are some easy, basic physical movements as well as mental and emotional health activities for overall self-care.
A14. Finding Your Center: Staying Grounded While Navigating Decisions (MLB 2412)
Presenters: Doreen Murasky, LMSW, and Morgan Tibble, LLMSW, CEW+
This interactive workshop creates space for you to hit ‘pause’ and find your center. Participants will leave equipped with tools and resources to help reduce stress by staying grounded while navigating the many decisions of life. Mindfulness practice, values assessment, big-picture reflection activity, action planning, and learning about local resources for additional support will also be included.
Leadership Development
B1. Shifting to Empowerment: Managing Toxic Employees (MLB 1220)
Presenters: Clarissa Love, BS, OHEI, and Mary Lai Rose, PhD, ODEI
Toxic employees in the workplace are a threat to maintaining an inclusive organizational culture and climate. In this session, we will review strategies for managing toxic employees in the workplace. The content presented will include U-M resources and demonstrate possible approaches to resolving conflict. This session will include interactive practice with case studies for participants to utilize conflict resolution strategies.
B2. Powerful Partnerships: The Art of Connection (MLB 2402)
Presenter: Kristen Storey, MA, Kristen Storey Consulting
The most successful and powerful partnerships don’t just happen, they are intentionally built through shared learning and goal(s), positive and inclusive-framed language and leveraging each person’s strengths and contributions.
B3. Beyond Diversity: Exploring Sense of Belonging & Identity in the Workplace (ML Henderson)
Presenter: Gloryvee Fonseca-Bolorin, MA (PhD Candidate), CEW+
This workshop seeks to push the conversation of DEI forward by highlighting a sense of belonging as a critical component in cultivating more inclusive work environments at U-M. We will focus on defining sense of belonging and the role of identity as a lens for understanding inclusion, particularly for women of color staff. This workshop will include small group discussions in order to have deeper conversations about these DEI related topics.
B4. Savvy Leadership (MLB 1420)
Presenter: Tina Pryor, CEO/Founder, Continuum Global Consulting, Author
The SAVVY LEADER! You do not have to be a leader to develop your unique signature leadership style. There is a leader in all of us, you just have to find it and own it! You can lead from any position, regardless of level. Tap into your special superpowers and ignite your leadership potential.
Career & Personal Development
B5. Create Possibilities, Not Liabilities, with Your Online Presence (MLB 2412)
Presenter: Lauren Love, MS, Public Affairs & Michigan News
Your online presence matters—to recruiters as well as future bosses and co-workers. It is one way that people trying to hire you learn a little more about you. Plus, your current employer probably cares about how you appear online because it reflects on the company. So whether you are job searching right now or not, follow this advice to turn your online presence into an asset rather than a liability.
B6. Creating a Vision Board for Success (ML Koessler)
Presenter: Laura King, BS, UMOR Animal Care and Use
You have dreams, goals and a vision for your life! But how do you hope to grow this year? What are you seeking to transform? It doesn’t have to be big, just something that would require minor tweaks every day to move you towards your new reality. Creating a vision board is a powerful exercise that merges what you want to accomplish with your values, resources, and goals. Whether it be for a period of 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years, you can increase your focus, eliminate indecisiveness, and motivate yourself with this session. Join this workshop where you will reaffirm your ability to dream strategically.
B7. Coping with Race-Related Stressors while Daring Greatly (MLB 2011)
Presenter: Mishelle Rodriguez, PhD, Collaborative Changemakers
This workshop will teach evidence-based strategies to address the ways that race-related stressors in our workplaces and socio-political climate impact the well-being of people of color and others as they strive to lead and create change. Participants will learn to practice strategic self-care and mindfulness, and engage social support for collective healing that will empower them to sustainably show up, as more fully themselves.
B8. You Got This! 7 Self-Empowerment Practices That Keep You In Control (MLB 1200)
Presenter: Deborah Orlowski, PhD, Dahlia Keynotes and Workshops
In today’s world, we are often reacting in the moment. Although you may not be able to control what is thrown at you, this fun, interactive and introspective workshop will introduce practices that will help you control how you respond when you encounter the unexpected. Workshop participants will learn how to practice the strategy of “Never Assuming the Worse First” and develop a deeper feeling of “in the moment” self-control.
B9. Creating An Online Toolkit for Supporting Nontraditional Student Success (MLB 2212)
Presenter: Morgan Tibble, LLMSW, CEW+
CEW+, UHR, and ITS created a self-paced online training toolkit to enhance how University staff engage with and support nontraditional students. Toolkit topics address the common needs, barriers and challenges of underrepresented students at U-M. Attendees will be shown a demonstration and learn about additional engagement opportunities beyond the toolkit.
B10. Resumes for Career Changers or Those Reentering the Job Market (MLB 2202)
Presenter: Jennifer Symanns, JD, U-M Temporary Staffing Services
Changing careers or re-entering the job market? Is your resume not getting any attention? Maybe it is time for a new strategy. Attendees will gain an understanding of the benefits of a functional resume over the traditional chronological resume format in conveying transferable skills. Participants will review resume basics and learn how to create a functional resume.
B11. Finding Your Voice Through Storytelling (MLB 2114)
Presenter: Elizabeth James, MA, MLIS, DAAS
Join this third-generation storyteller for a workshop designed to identify your strengths and challenges through recalling key moments in your life. Through telling your own stories, you can explore your own self-awareness and authenticity. Participants will learn techniques to improve speaking in public and to build self-confidence by identifying strengths that can be enhanced. By looking at the journey of one’s life, you can determine those patterns and characteristics you need to leverage for advanced communication skills.
Financial Education
B12. Wills, Trusts and Medicaid + Caregiver Protection: Making Sense of it All! (MLB 1400)
Presenters: Paula Duren, PhD, and Terrence Quinn, JD, TGQuinn Law Firm
During this interactive workshop, attendees will engage in a discussion aimed at helping them recognize and resolve common issues involved with wills, trusts and long term care matters. The presenters will cover the differences between wills and trusts; legal issues involving blended families; joint ownership of property; how to avoid probate court; and rental property liability. Also, a discussion on protecting yourself while caring for a loved one with a health challenge will be included.
Health & Wellness
B13. Line Dance Hustles and Ballroom Footwork (NQ 2435)
Presenters: Toiya Adams-Yharbrough and Sherry Hawkins
The dance workshop will consist of aerobic line dancing with set choreography designed to elevate your heart rate and get you moving. Join us for a fun-filled and energetic workshop for all abilities. In addition, learn basic steps to Urban Ballroom – no partner needed. Get your steps in and move your body to the music.
Presenter Bios
Amy Acs is the Vice President of Global Total Rewards at Adient, an automotive seating supply company. She is a 20-year HR leader with a specialization in overall compensation and benefits strategy and design, executive compensation design, and board management. Amy also manages global mobility and immigration programs designed with an emphasis on talent development and employee experience within a cost-containment lens. Amy holds a BA in Public Relations from Wayne State University and is an MBA candidate at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.
Toiya Adams-Yharbrough is a part-time dance instruction assistant and staff member at Dance with Elegance Health & Fitness Studio. She has been working at Dance with Elegance for five years. In addition, she works as a Lead Medical Assistant Specialist for Michigan Medicine.
Shar Banks, MBA is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®) with TIAA in Ann Arbor. Banks began her financial services career in 2001 with the Hantz Group and the Municipal Employees’ Retirement System of Michigan prior to joining TIAA in 2016. She currently conducts financial consulting and retirement planning for U-M employees.
Phyllis Blackman, MBA is a highly respected administrator at Michigan Medicine who currently serves as director of the Office for Health Equity and Inclusion (OHEI). She has vast experience with facilitating change at Michigan Medicine and currently serves on the Leadership Development Advisory Group, and Advancing Women and Inclusive Leadership Subcommittee.
Patricia Coleman-Burns, PhD is a University of Michigan Assistant Professor Emerita of Nursing and Adjunct/Affiliated Professor in the Department for Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS). She has focused her career on retention and successful learning behaviors of underrepresented nursing students; health disparities and social justice in patient-centered care and providers’ behaviors; Black ideology; and the Colored Women’s Club Movement. Her research has evolved from rhetorical studies of radical and revolutionary social movements to a focus on racial identity in the reduction of health disparities through social justice and social determinants of health perspective that examines workforce diversity, the education of underrepresented persons, efficacious research and community impact.
Linda Dabrowski is currently a Senior Human Resources Representative with Staff HR Services in University Human Resources. She has over 20 years of human resources experience, including ten years at the University of Michigan.
Candace Dorsey, MLS, is the program manager for the U-M Empowerment Self Defense program. A retired police officer with 24 years at EMU and 7 years for the Detroit Police Department, Ms. Dorsey graduated from EMU with a Bachelor’s degree in communications and completed graduate work in marketing and business management.
Paula Duren, PhD is the founder of Universal Dementia Caregivers where she utilizes her past experiences caring for her parents to share valuable knowledge with caregivers who serve individuals living with dementia related diseases and other health challenges. Dr. Duren’s down to earth approach postures listeners for success as they learn to connect to the whole person, heart and spirit.
Gloryvee Fonseca-Bolorin, MA is the coordinator for the CEW+ Women of Color in the Academy Project (WOCAP), a faculty development network. She is also a PhD candidate at the Center for the Study of Higher and Post-Secondary Education at U-M. Gloryvee’s dissertation explores the relationships between the campus racial climate, racial ethnic identity, sense of belonging and persistence for underrepresented and marginalized students at Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs).
Alexandra Foster, Ross EMBA candidate, currently serves as Director of Human Resources at Pet Supplies Plus. With more than 10 years of strategic Human Resources experience, Alexandra is responsible for advancing the culture and developing Pet Supplies Plus corporate team members across the U.S. She oversees the human capital strategy and practices, including talent management, leadership development, employee engagement, and organizational effectiveness. A results-driven leader, Alexandra worked in a variety of Human Resources roles at Yum! Brands, Target, and Whirlpool Corporation prior to joining Pet Supplies Plus.
Kimika Garrett, MS, PHR, SPHR-CP, is the President and Principal Consultant at Organizational Kimistry and the Future Workforce Manager at Accenture Consulting. Kimika is a versatile, energetic, forward-thinking organizational improvement consultant whose functional expertise includes Process and Performance Improvement, Organizational Development & Effectiveness, Training & Development, Strategic Planning, Human Resources, and Talent Management.
Colleen Greene, MS, is a Wellness Coordinator Senior for MHealthy, the University of Michigan’s Wellness and Risk Reduction Program. Greene, a University of Michigan graduate, has been quoted in several national and local publications on employee wellness, and has also been interviewed on “Good Morning America”. She has spoken at several nationwide conferences on stress management, physical activity, and wellness programming.
Sherry Hawkins is the owner and lead instructor of Dance with Elegance Health & Fitness Studio, located in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The studio, opened in 2013, acts as “A place to come and experience dance, exercise, fun, and a way of meeting new friends!” When not teaching classes, Sherry works as a medical assistant at the U-M Hospital.
Michael Herrington, MEd, SPHR is the lead training specialist for the Office of Health, Equity and Inclusion at Michigan Medicine. In this role, Michael enhances the competencies of individual employees by designing and conducting learning programs that promote an environment of diversity, equity and inclusion. He collaborates with unit partners on needs assessments, conducts workshop trainings, designs employee engagement activities, and evaluates learning outcomes.
Gary Hicks, BS is a police sergeant for the U-M Department of Public Safety and Security where he has served for 28.5 years after two years on the Detroit Police Department. Sgt. Hicks is the community outreach supervisor responsible for developing educational and safety programs for the campus. He earned an undergraduate degree from U-M.
Elizabeth James, MA, MLIS, is the Program Associate for the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS). As a third generation storyteller, she has presented a TED talk on the power of stories, presented several workshops on storytelling and building public speaking skills, and developing campus series like “Value the Voice: A Storyteller’s Lounge.” A proud two-time U-M grad, Elizabeth has received numerous honors for her service and dedication to DAAS and the University, including winning the Ginsberg Award for Service and Social Activism, the Distinguished Diversity Leader Award, Advisor of the Year, and the Harold D. Johnson Diversity Service Award.
Laura King, BS is a communication expert who enjoys providing creative and practical guidance related to professional development and issues concerning women. With a bachelor’s degree in professional wWriting from Eastern Michigan University, Laura has past experience working as a newspaper reporter and web writer as well as leading communication projects. She brings this expertise to her current role as an administrator at UMOR Animal Care and Use.
Shaun Logan, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M College of Dentistry (TAMCOD). Dr. Logan received her Bachelor of Science from Xavier University of Lousiania and earned a Doctorate in Pharmacology and Neuroscience from the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. Her research spans these fields with a concentration on drug development for neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease, as well as nerve regeneration and its implications for paralysis. Additional areas of interest include diversity in STEM fields, mentoring students and diversity in science education.
Clarissa Love, BS is a DEI Consultant and Associate Project Manager for Michigan Medicine in the Office for Health Equity and Inclusion. She supports the Michigan Medicine Strategic Plan and DEI leads across Michigan Medicine. Ms. Love leverages her expansive background in science, community program evaluation and engagement to build strategic programs and relationships.
Lauren Love, MS is the U-M Public Affairs and Media Relations Representative for the University of Michigan with more than a decade of strategic communication and public relations experience. She began her career at the University in Michigan Medicine’s Department of Communication and covered several departments, including gastroenterology, family medicine and the medical school. Previously, Lauren worked for the University of Notre Dame Law School and Rainbow PUSH Coalition in Chicago.
Doreen M. Murasky, LMSW, ACSW, oversees CEW+ student programming, including the social work internship program and the Scholar Community Advisory Board. In addition, she enjoys developing and presenting dynamic programs with a focus on holistic life planning and developing coping and resiliency skills, especially for underserved students. She received her Master’s degree in Social Work from U-M.
Deborah Orlowski, PhD is a recent U-M Human Resources retiree and the founder of Dahlia Keynotes and Workshops. In her work, Dr. Orlowski brings expertise in improving communication and teamwork; leadership development; personal styles identification and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. She previously served as a faculty member in the off-campus program at Central Michigan University teaching “Diversity and Multiculturalism in the Workplace” and “Women and Politics.”
Tina Pryor, MSHRM, is the owner of Continuum Global Consulting, LLC. As a strategic Senior HR Consultant and Talent Management Strategist, Tina is passionate about consulting with organizations and coaching leaders to leverage their talented workforce as their competitive advantage, to build an inclusive, fun, compliant and great place to work culture. Also, she group coaches individuals on how to create their unique E.P.I.C. X 7 Signature Leadership Style. A framework she developed to help aspiring leaders and veterans advance their career, do what they love, add more value, and increase their earning power.
Terrence Quinn, JD, is the President of The TGQ Law Firm where he specializes in estate planning (wills and trusts), elder law and probate. Terrence has received multiple awards for his service including being honored as a Top 100 Attorney in Michigan by the National Black Lawyers for three consecutive years.
Jayne Reuben, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences and the Director of Instructional Effectiveness at the Texas A&M University College of Dentistry. She earned her doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a specialization in Pharmacology and Toxicology from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) and then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the U-M Department of Pathology. Dr. Reuben is a long-time advocate for personal and professional development at all levels and her other areas of research include cognitive learning methodology, diversity in science education and community health education.
Mishelle Rodriguez, PhD is a psychologist who specializes in working with multicultural issues, trauma, and managing stressors related to high-achievement. She is also Owner/CEO of Collaborative ChangeMakers, a counseling and consulting practice. Ms. Rodriguez, the founder of the Melanin Collective, works to improve Black mental health through community engagement. She is also the previous president of the Detroit chapter of the Association of Black Psychologists, and a “Certified Daring Way” Facilitator-Candidate.
Mary Lai Rose, PhD is the Program Manager in the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion where she supports the implementation of the university-wide strategic plan on diversity, equity & inclusion involving 51 campus units. In this role, Mary draws on her experience in community collaborations, academic support programs for underrepresented groups, research and evaluation, and higher education administration.
Mark Saine, MS, MA is the Senior Director of Client Leadership Solutions at TIAA. Mark supports TIAA’s clients by helping them to develop leaders within the corporation who are prepared to take on increasingly complex roles and to manage the demands of a rapidly changing environment. He provides leadership development services including workshops, retreats, consultation and coaching.
Will Sherry, MSW serves as the Director of the Spectrum Center. As Director, Will focuses on diversity and inclusion strategic planning, organizational development, supervision, and leadership of campus-wide educational programming. Will, a graduate of the College of Wooster, earned his master’s degree from the U-M School of Social Work where he focused on Interpersonal Practice with Children, Youth and Families.
Kristen Storey, MA is a consultant, coach and leader with 30 years of experience leading numerous organization-wide change efforts and providing learning and development services to the University of Michigan. Since retiring, she has now launched her own independent consulting and coaching practice, which focuses on helping clients with positive organizational change efforts and talent development.
Jennifer Symanns, JD, is a career changer who made the move from police officer to Human Resource professional over 17 years ago. Jennifer understands the challenges faced by individuals trying to break into a new career area and has extensive experience reviewing and assessing resumes for positions at U-M and helping candidates strategize career moves and options.
Morgan Tibble, LLMSW received her Master’s in Social Work from U-M and works as a counselor at CEW+ aiding individuals through career and educational transitions. In addition to counseling and presenting a variety of professional development programs, she oversees the development of the COUNTS (U-M Council for Nontraditional Students) Toolkit for Student Success.
Darrell Washington is currently a Senior Human Resources Representative with Staff HR Services in University Human Resources. He has over 30 years of human resources experience, including 10 years at the University of Michigan.
Fees &

Conference Fees and Payments
The conference registration fee of $150 includes reserved seating to the opening keynote session at Hill Auditorium, continental breakfast, workshop sessions, and networking luncheon. Payment by credit card or shortcode are only accepted during the registration process.
A discounted student rate of $75 is available. Please email [email protected] for the promo code to register.
Payment by U-M shortcode: Please be sure to enter your department/unit shortcode and authorized signer uniqname in the billing section of your registration. CEW+ will bill department/unit shortcodes after March 9th.
*** If credit card or shortcode are not viable payment options for you, or to inquire about scholarships for students and community members, please contact [email protected] before registering.
The last day for conference registration is Wednesday, February 26, 2020.
CANCELLATIONS: No registrations can be canceled after February 19, 2020.

Registration Instructions
(download a print version here)
- Please download and review our workshop selections guide to assist with your registration process.
- Navigate to the Eventbrite registration page here, and click on the green REGISTER button near the top right of the screen.
- Select your registration based on your payment type (Payment by Credit Card or Payment by Shortcode) and choose “1” from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the green “CHECK OUT” button in the bottom right corner of the window.
- Once you are finished completing all of the following fields, click on the green “Pay Now” button (for credit cards) or “Complete Registration” button (for shortcode) in the bottom right corner of your screen.
- If you need to register multiple people, repeat steps 2-5. Please make sure to have the individual selections ready for each person before attempting to register them.
- You should receive email confirmation(s) that includes the workshop and lunch selections for each individual registered. Please print out the email confirmation to bring with you on the day of the conference.
& Parking

The WCTF Conference check-in, keynote, lunch, and workshop sessions will take place at a few different buildings on U-M Campus including Hill Auditorium, the Michigan League and the Modern Languages Building. Please view the Conference Schedule section for specific venue information.
The location for each workshop session will also be available in the Workshop Descriptions section once it is finalized. You will receive a program when you check-in at the conference detailing the specific locations for each session.
Parking is available on Central Campus at the Palmer Commons structure located east of the League, off Washtenaw Avenue & Palmer Drive. A shuttle will run from the Palmer parking structure to the Michigan League from 6:00am-8:00am (round trip loop) as well as in the afternoon from 4:00-5:30pm (round trip loop). Parkers should pull a parking ticket upon entering the structure and pay the cashier upon exiting. The parking rate at the Palmer structure is $0.75 per half-hour. Click here for directions to the Palmer Commons parking structure, along with maps.
Blue & Gold AVI Parking is also available in the Fletcher Street parking structure (next to the Power Center and University Health Services) and in the Thayer Street structure across from the Modern Languages Building (MLB). Please arrive early because these parking structures will fill up quickly.
State Street Commuter Lot: Conference participants are also encouraged to use the free State Street Commuter Lot (bottom of map highlighted in purple) and take the AATA 36 bus which will bring you directly to Hill Auditorium and the Michigan League. Please allow an extra 15-20 minutes for travel time. The AATA buses are free to U-M personnel with an active MCard.
Thank you for your continued support of the Women of Color Task Force, and CEW+ at U-M! For additional information or inquiries regarding the annual WCTF career conference, please contact Janice Reuben at 734-764-6331 or the CEW+ office at 734-764-6005, or via email at [email protected]. If you need any accommodations, please contact Janice Reuben at 734-764-6005 by February 21, 2020.
WCTF and Twitter: Want to tweet about the WCTF Conference?
Use hashtag: #WCTF2020
The 38th annual WCTF Career Conference is organized in partnership with CEW+, Office of the Provost, University Human Resources, Michigan Medicine Human Resources, and Precision Health at the University of Michigan.
WCTF extends special thanks to TIAA, our Platinum Plus corporate sponsor, for its generous support of the 2020 Women of Color Task Force Conference.