
At CEW+, we work to break down barriers and increase access through funding. We offer opportunities for scholarships, emergency grants, sponsorships, and more for a range of situations and life circumstances.

Undergraduate Student Specific Funding
Graduate Student Specific Funding
Caregiver/Student with Children

Scholarships for U-M Students

Living Expenses

CEW+ Fellowships


Emergency Funding

Unexpected Expenses

Graduation Grant Program

Unexpected Expenses

Career & Education Counseling

Our professionally trained and experienced counselors work within a developmental framework to help individuals consider their options, make informed choices, and both define and resolve problems, while focusing on issues of achieving their career goals and balance between school, work, and family.

Typical counseling services for students may include discussions around:

  • Navigating the University experience
  • Advocacy
  • Work/Life balance issues
  • Emergency funding for current U-M Ann Arbor students
  • Tailored support for underserved students
  • Financial aid options
  • Resume/cover letter/application review


To schedule an appointment, fill out this online form, call 734-764-6360, or email [email protected].

Advocacy Initiatives

Through a variety of initiatives, task forces, groups, and organizations, we include, lift up, and amplify diverse voices.

Financial Empowerment Initiative

FEI delves into the underlying psychological, social, and intergenerational roots that underlie individual financial choices. By filling these gaps, participants become equipped with the self-knowledge and tools to be empowered to take charge of their financial well-being.

Student Caregivers

Resources for U-M students with caregiver responsibilities.

Supporting the Academic Excellence of Student Caregivers

Student caregivers are some of the most focused and resourceful students on campus, as demonstrated by their ability to balance school, work, and parental responsibilities. Did you know that 26% of all college students nationwide are raising children?

CEW+ Annual Advocacy Symposium

CEW+ annually brings together staff, faculty, students, and community members to create change through introspection, dialogue, and action at our advocacy symposium. The goal is to give participants practical tools to better advocate for themselves and others.

CEW+ Scholar Community

The CEW+ Scholar Community consists of current and past CEW+ scholarship recipients, and exists to support, inspire, & unleash the collective power of participating Scholars and Fellows to make a positive impact in their lives, in their communities, and in the world.

Carol Hollenshead Inspire Award for Excellence in Promoting Equity and Social Change

In honor of former director Carol Hollenshead’s twenty-year tenure at the Center for the Education of Women, CEW+ created the Carol Hollenshead Inspire Award for Excellence in Promoting Equity and Social Change.

Mullin Welch Endowed Lecture

The CEW+ Mullin Welch Series was established in 1989 by Frances Daseler and Marjorie Jackson in memory of their sister Elizabeth Charlotte Mullin Welch. This fund brings to campus outstanding women who exemplify Elizabeth’s characteristics.

Christobel Kotelawela Weerasinghe Lecture

The Weerasinghe Lecture is named for Christobel Kotelawela Weerasinghe, who worked throughout her life to promote international understanding and communication.

Council for Nontraditional Students

COUNTS is a university-wide council comprised of faculty, staff, and students focused on supporting the success of underserved students through resource sharing, collaboration, and tracking emerging needs.

CEW+ Research

CEW+’s publications include research reports policy and advocacy papers, and resources for department chairs. The work of CEW+ researchers is supplemented by the research publications of our Visiting Scholars. All publications listed are downloadable.

American Association of University Women

AAUW student organizations are demanding equity for women and girls on college and university campuses around the world.

Events & Workshops

January 14, 2025 6:30 pm -
April 22, 2025 8:00 pm

Virtual and a total of 3 in-person session on the Ann Arbor campus
January 25, 2025
11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Crisler Center Club, 333 E Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
January 28, 2025
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

CEW+, 330 E. Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, MI
February 4, 2025
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

CEW+, 330 E. Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, MI
February 11, 2025
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

CEW+, 330 E. Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, MI
February 13, 2025
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Michigan League Hussey Room, 911 N. University Ave., Ann Arbor
April 3, 2025
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Michigan League Ballroom of University of Michigan and Streaming LIVE on YouTube

Study Space for Students

CEW+ Student Study Space & Student Parent / Caregiver Room
330 E. Liberty Street, 2nd Floor, Michigan Square Building

Please visit the CEW+ Student Study Space during open business hours – a safe and welcoming place where you can study, network, or just hang out and relax. There is also a connected playroom for your children!

CEW+ student family and caregiver play room

Student Parent and Caregiver Study Room
Shapiro Library, Basement, Room B002 (view floorplan)

This child-friendly space, located close to elevators and restrooms, is an environment where student parents and caregivers can get work done while accompanied by the ones they care for.

Access to the room is available by keycode only to members of Michigan Caregivers and Student Parents (MCaSP).

For more information or to join the group, email [email protected].

Student Parent and Caregiver Study Room with tables, chairs, five women and one child sitting down and talking/studying