Culturally Aware Mentorship Training 2018
Seminar Rooms A, B, and C. Biomedical Science Research Building (BSRB), Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Kelly A. Diggs-Andrews, PhD, CEO and Founder of Diggs-Andrews Consulting LLC; Master Facilitator, Mentor Training Core, National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN); and Certified Trainer, Facilitator and Mentor Training, Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) will be facilitating the NRMN training, Culturally Aware Mentorship (CAM).
Culturally Aware Mentorship is an innovative initiative launched through NRMN to enhance mentors’ and trainees’ ability to effectively address cultural diversity matters in their research mentoring relationships. The CAM initiative and approach are supported by evidence which indicates that broader participation of culturally diverse groups enhances the quality of research and practice in the biomedical, behavioral, and clinical sciences.
CAM is a 6-hour intensive training designed for mentors who have already completed some form of mentor training. In this module, participants look inward and examine their own racial and ethnic identity, and use insights from these reflections to identify their personal assumptions, biases, and privileges that may operate in their research mentoring relationships. Through a combination of activities including group discussion, case studies, and role play, mentors learn and practice culturally aware mentoring skills in order to increase their capacity to respond better to cultural diversity matters in their research mentoring relationships.
Who can participate? CAM training sessions have been facilitated with mentors across career stages (faculty, staff, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students) and in a variety of training settings including academic science departments and medical schools as well as training programs sponsored by federal and private foundations. Curricula for trainees are currently under development.
Know a great resource or piece of advice about mentoring? Tweet it at #MICHRmentoring.
Have questions about Culturally Aware Mentorship Training 2018? Contact MICHR Education
Co-sponsored by MICHR, CEW+, the Office of Faculty Development, Medical School, and the Office for Health Equity and Inclusion, Medical School