Scholarships for U-M Students


The CEW+ Scholarship Program was established in 1970 to honor the academic performance and potential of women whose education has been interrupted and to commemorate the one-hundredth anniversary of the admission of women to the University of Michigan.  Thanks to the generosity of individuals, organizations, clubs, and foundations, CEW+ has awarded over 1,900 scholarships since 1970. With support from our generous donors, CEW+ was able to expand the program in 2008 to include additional scholarships for students of all genders.

CEW+ Scholarships are invaluable and unique in that they are tailored to complement a student’s existing aid package. CEW+ centers the needs of women and underserved students in designing its programs and scholarship offerings, which are open to all regardless of protected identity characteristics.

Questions? Contact [email protected] or (734) 764-4355.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for a CEW+ Scholarship, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

1) CEW+ Scholarship applicants must be enrolled at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Flint, or Dearborn campuses) during the year for which the scholarship is awarded, and

2) Applicants must meet at least one (1) of the criteria listed below:


  • A minimum two-year (24 month) consecutive interruption in education anytime since high school OR
  • Primary Caregiver* OR
  • Working to complete a STEM degree and actively engaged in a Sponsored Student Organization (SSO) that supports gender diversity in STEM.**

Graduate Students

  • A minimum five-year (60 month) consecutive interruption in education anytime since high school OR
  • Primary Caregiver* OR
  • Working to complete a STEM degree and actively engaged in a Sponsored Student Organization (SSO) that supports gender diversity in STEM.**

*Primary Caregiver definition:

  • Lives in the same residence at least 50% of the time and consistently assumes major responsibility for housing, health, and safety of a minor, older adult, or disabled adult; anticipates this responsibility will continue during the upcoming academic year.
  • Lives in a separate residence and provides care for a minor, older adult, or disabled adult for a minimum of 20 hours per week without monetary compensation for at least the past 6 months; anticipates this responsibility will continue during the upcoming academic year.

**Working towards a STEM degree:

  • In order to qualify under this criterion, one of your letters of recommendation must be written by an executive board, staff, or faculty leader from the SSO that supports gender diversity in STEM to which you belong.
  • For a list of approved fields for STEM degree eligibility, please review this document.

In addition to these criteria, preference will be given to students who are underrepresented at the University of Michigan; for example, students coming from a single-parent home, veterans, undergraduate students who currently qualify for a federal PELL grant, and first-generation students (no parent has completed a bachelor’s degree).  To be considered for more than the minimum award ($1,000), both graduate and undergraduate applicants must submit a complete Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) to the Office of Financial Aid by March 31, 2024, if they are eligible to do so.


  • Students who are ineligible to complete a FAFSA can indicate this in the application and will be notified of an alternate process to gather comparable information.
  • Students can only be identified as a CEW+ Scholarship recipient one time. If you have received a CEW+ Scholarship in a previous year, you may be eligible to apply for a fellowship (note: fellowships have their own specific eligibility requirements, listed here).

Questions? Contact [email protected] or (734) 764-4355.

2024-25 Application

The full application materials are listed below so that you can begin preparing your application at your own pace.

Summary of required information needed to complete a CEW+ Scholarship application:

Demographic information, including a copy of your current U-M transcript (up to Fall 2023 if enrolled)

Two Letters of Recommendation (3rd Letter Optional):
It is best to secure recommenders early and let them know the general timeline required for their letter (deadline, May 6, 2024). You will be asked to provide recommenders’ names and emails. The application system will prompt an automated email to your recommenders which will invite them to follow a link to upload their letter of recommendation. References who are familiar with your academic record and career aspirations are in the best position to write on your behalf. Letters of recommendation can come from a variety of sources; the CEW+ Funding Team strongly encourages including at least one letter from an academic recommender. Strong reference letters typically include:

  • The length and capacity in which the recommender has known you, the applicant.
  • Comments about the applicant’s strengths; academic and professional accomplishments; the ability to persevere and succeed in coursework, research and other endeavors at the university; and, the potential for impact in the applicant’s chosen field. 
  • Insights that the selection committee may not otherwise learn. Strong letters of support should complement and add to the biographical information and academic information in other sections of the application – letters of recommendation should focus on what the committee might not already know.

Explanation for your Basis of Eligibility

In 100-250 words, tell us more about your eligibility for a CEW+ Scholarship.

If you are applying as a primary caregiver, share the nature of the relationship with the individual(s) you provide care for and briefly list your caregiving responsibilities.

If you are applying on the basis of an interruption in your education, tell us what led to the time away from school, how many consecutive months you were not enrolled or earning academic credit, and what you did during that time.  Note: if you are applying based on the interruption in your education criterion you will need to specify the months and years your education was interrupted and provide copies of transcripts that verify the interruption (e.g. 01/2013-09/2018).

If you are applying on the basis that you are working to complete a STEM degree and actively engaged in a Sponsored Student Organization (SSO) that supports gender diversity in STEM, please comment on your involvement in the SSO and course of study.  **In order to qualify under this criterion, one of your letters of recommendation must be written by an executive board, staff, or faculty leader from the SSO that supports gender diversity in STEM to which you belong.

Essay Prompts:
The following prompts correspond exactly to the essay questions on the scholarship application. Personal Statements are the lengthiest part of the application and provide the best opportunity to address CEW+ Scholarship selection criteria and tell your story in your own words.

  • Personal Statement – Determination
    How have your life circumstances, experiences, and/or challenges shaped your education and career paths? Describe how you have exemplified persistence in pursuing your goals. (200-500 words)
  • Personal Statement – Potential Impact
    What is your vision for success and plan for achieving your goals? How will you make an impact with the degree that you are pursuing at the personal, community, and/or global levels? (200-500 words)

Selection Criteria

CEW+ Scholarships are awarded in two phases:

Phase 1

Scholarship applications are reviewed by selection committees and applicants are recommended on the basis of merit. Committee members consider the following criteria in phase one of the review process:

  1. Academic capacity and demonstrated scholarship
  2. Impact – clarity of goals and relation to career/life experiences; the potential impact of achieving them on a personal/community/global scale
  3. Strength of motivation – evidence of sustained commitment, persistence

Phase 2

The specific amount for a CEW+ Scholarship is determined based on financial need and coordinated with each scholar’s individual aid package. Financial information will be requested from scholars and alternates in Summer 2024 once their status is determined by the selection committee. 

To ensure that you are considered for the largest possible scholarship from CEW+, all applicants who are eligible to submit a FAFSA must do so to your office of financial aid by March 31, 2023. Failure to complete the FAFSA by this deadline means that you will only be considered for the minimum award ($1,000) in the second phase of the awarding process. Note that there is an alternate process for international and undocumented students to be considered for a larger award.


Over 70 scholarships are awarded annually ranging from $1,000 to $11,000, with some larger scholarship awards given. The average award for the 2021-22 academic year was over $6,300. Click here to view scholarship books from previous years.

Scholarships Offered

Gail Allen Scholarship
AAUW: Mary Elizabeth Bittman Memorial Scholarship
AAUW-Ann Arbor Branch Used Book Sale Scholarship
Christine Kahan Black Scholarship
Jane and Bill Bloom Scholarship
Grace A. and James D. Bruce Community Engagement Scholarship
Ruth Jeanette Buttrey Scholarship
Jean W. Campbell Scholarship
CEW+ Graduate Scholarship
Amy Mecozzi Cho and Lawrence Cho Family Scholarship
Collegiate Sorosis Foundation Scholarship
Lucile B. Conger Alumnae Group Scholarship
Molly H. Dobson Scholarships
Robert Bruce Dunlap Memorial Scholarship*
Elizabeth Dusseau Scholarship & Margaret Dusseau Brevoort Scholarship
Margaret E. Gnegy Scholarship
The Deoge Hill Scholarship
Hall-McCannell Scholarship
Beth Halloran Scholarship
Joan P. Ireland Scholarship
Beatrice Kahn Scholarship
Caroline M. Lee Scholarship
Elsie Choy Lee Scholarship
The Virginia Simson Nelson Scholarship
Sarah Winans Newman Scholarship
Potential Made Possible Scholarship
Susan E. Quackenbush Scholarship
Mary Malcomson Raphael Scholarship
Mary Lucille Randolph and Lea King Dean Memorial Scholarship
Linda J. Rider Scholarship
Helen Huff Shell Scholarship
The Janice F. Stephens Memorial Scholarship
Margaret Dow Towsley Scholarships
Irma M. Wyman Scholarships*
Petar and Zdravka Zdravkovski Scholarship

*Select scholarships are eligible for renewal after the first year of funding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for the CEW+ Scholarship Program FAQ

Additional questions? Contact [email protected] or (734) 764-4355.