Gifts to CEW+ ignite hope, inspire self-confidence, and change lives.

Give Online

If you have questions or would like more information about giving to CEW+, please contact Amy Chappuis, CEW+ Development & External Relations Director at chappuia@umich.edu or (734) 730-6774.

Thanks to the generous support of our donors, CEW+ is able to provide valuable education and career counseling services, critical emergency funding, pivotal scholarships, and thoughtful programming.

CEW+ has inspired the institution to flex to the changing demographics and needs of students, staff, and faculty since it was founded in 1964, first challenging why students returning to school were ineligible for scholarships and today building services and programs to enhance support for nontraditional, underrepresented students knowing that “rising tides lift all boats.” Core to CEW+ are education and career counseling and financial support through scholarships, fellowships, and emergency grants. 

CEW+ needs partners willing to help ensure that our services continue without disruption. To read more about the impact of CEW+ read the stories of those we serve.

How to Give

1. Choose a Fund to Support

CEW+ offers several funds that provide support for students. To view some of these funds, along with their descriptions, please visit our giving page. If you do not see a fund listed that you would like to give to, call us at 734-730-6774 for assistance.

If you would like to explore opportunities for creating a named fund, please contact us at 734-730-6774.

Planned gifts often provide immediate tax deductions and capital gains savings or a stream of income for donors. If you would like to leave a lasting legacy by providing a bequest or other planned gift, please contact us at 734-730-6774.

2. Choose a Method for Making Your Gift


Use our simple and secure online form to make a gift right now using your credit card.


Please enclose a response form along with your check, made payable to the Regents of the University of Michigan. In the memo line, write in the name of the fund that you would like to support. Your response form and check should be mailed to:

Attn. Development
330 E. Liberty
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2274


Make a monthly gift from your checking account through this electronic funds transfer option. To initiate Michigan Gift Link, please complete this authorization form and mail it with a voided check to:

Office of Gift Administration
The University of Michigan
3003 S. State Street, Suite 8000
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1288

If you are interested in a cash/wire transfer, a gift of securities, or a gift through payroll deduction, please contact us at 734-730-6774

3. Does Your Company Match Gifts?

You can increase your gift to CEW+ by making use of your company’s matching gift program. If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send it completed and signed with your gift. We will do the rest. The impact of your gift to CEW+ may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

Not sure if your company has a matching gift policy? Use U-M’s employer search tool.

Gifts to CEW+ support students, advance advocacy work across the University, and help individuals reach their career and educational goals. Thank you for supporting our mission.

Areas to Support

Click here to view more areas to support.

CEW+ Annual Gift Fund – 310560

The annual fund is the most flexible way to support the work of CEW+ as it advances all aspects of CEW+, prioritized according to each year’s needs and opportunities.  The annual fund allows us to focus resources on maintaining our critical services and making them available to our students, staff, faculty, and community members.  

Potential Made Possible Scholarship Fund – 336078

This fund celebrates student scholars who demonstrate resilience in overcoming obstacles to completing their degrees. It is open to students from all three campuses, graduate or undergraduate levels, at any school or college.

Financial Empowerment Program – 336336

The Financial Empowerment Initiative is a one-of-a-kind program designed to increase participants’ financial wellness while also building awareness about financial tools and resources available at U-M and in the community. In these workshops, U-M alum and financial therapist Lindsay Bryan-Podvin helps participants make financial decisions with more confidence, explores the origins of their money beliefs, and helps them rewrite their money story for a healthier relationship with money. By the end of the workshops, participants are better equipped to take control of their financial future.

CEW+ Graduation Grant Fund – 393286

Through our work, CEW+ has recognized the financial challenges students may navigate around managing educational costs as they complete their degree program. The CEW+ Graduation Grant Program is focused on providing grants covering student account charges to students experiencing a financial setback in the final term of their degree. With these grant allocations, we hope to eliminate the financial barriers that may prevent a student from graduating.

Planned Giving

Including CEW+ in your estate or financial plans is one of the easiest ways to make a lasting impact. You can even generate income for yourself and your family while benefiting CEW+ and generations of students. Types of planned gifts include gifts from a will or trust, beneficiary designations, and appreciated securities, among others.

Making a planned gift is a rewarding way to support CEW+ while providing for yourself and your family. The benefits of planned giving include:

  • Simplicity: Planned giving can be one of the easiest ways you can leave a lasting legacy with CEW+.
  • Flexibility: There are a variety of ways to leave a planned gift that can align with your family’s needs.
  • Tax savings: Many planned giving options provide federal tax savings.
  • Impact: You will make a lasting impact at CEW+.

If you have questions or would like more information about giving to CEW+, or to let us know that you have already included CEW+ in your will or estate plans, please contact Amy Chappuis, CEW+ Development & External Relations Director at chappuia@umich.edu or 734-730-6774.

Securities and Mutual Funds

Making a gift of securities or mutual funds to CEW+ offers you the chance to support U-M’s future while realizing important benefits for yourself.

When you give appreciated securities or mutual funds you have held for more than one year to CEW+ in support of our mission, you can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. You may also be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities at the time of the transfer.

Securities are most often used to support our work in the form of:

An outright gift. When you donate securities to CEW+, you receive the same income tax savings that you would if you wrote us a check, but with the added benefit of eliminating capital gains taxes on the transfer, which can be as high as 20 percent.

A transfer on death (TOD) account.* By placing a TOD designation on your brokerage or investment account, that account will be paid over to one or more persons or charities after your lifetime.

If you have questions or would like more information about giving to CEW+, please contact Amy Chappuis, CEW+ Development & External Relations Director at chappuia@umich.edu or (734) 730-6774.

Donating Professional Wear

CEW+ is unable to accept donations of clothing. If you are interested in donating professional wear,  please donate directly to:


If you have questions or would like more information about giving to CEW+, please contact Amy Chappuis, CEW+ Development & External Relations Director at chappuia@umich.edu or (734) 730-6774.