CEW Summer Newsletter

Please enjoy this latest issue of the CEW News: read an update on the CEW Victors for Michigan Campaign, read what we are learning about today’s U-M nontraditional students, and meet the CEW Twink Frey Visiting Social Activists for 2015 and 2016.

Here Is the link to our newsletter in an online format:

If you prefer to download a copy of the newsletter, please click on this pdf link:  CEW Summer 2015 NewsFinal.pdf

Pictured above are recipients of the CEW 2014-2015 Margaret Dow Towsley Scholarship.
The Towsley Scholarships were established nearly 25 years ago by Margaret Dow Towsley, a force for change in the lives of women and children. Margaret Towsley’s legacy grows each year with almost 600 women having pursued degrees with scholarships from that original endowment. CEW is grateful for continued support with a $500,000 grant from the Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation.
