Hillary Murt
"CEW+ provides scholarships that actually allow people to be open about their stories and closes many financial gaps for those who are choosing to continue their education regardless of the various challenges they may face along the way."

Although CEW+ Scholar Hillary Murt was unable to finish her Ph.D. in Urban Planning due to commitments to her marriage and children, Hillary became an essential part of the community within the Center for the Education of Women+ at U-M. After completing her Master’s degree in Epidemiology and choosing to end her pursuit toward her Ph.D., Hillary notes that she was able to shift her talents and skills from the academic field to the Ann Arbor community. Through her work and career in the public health sector, Hillary was able to make significant contributions in and around Ann Arbor and use her influence to help improve the state of the city, while raising her family.
After dealing with financial difficulties during her Ph.D. program and deciding to apply for the CEW+ Scholarship & Student Financial Aid in 1980, Hillary was able to use the funds she received from the Center to enhance her resources and help limit the financial anxieties she had been facing. However, her involvement in the Center evolved into more than a financial transaction, and Hillary was able to make various connections with other women involved with CEW+ including its founder, Jean Campell. Additionally, Hillary states that the scholarship she received from CEW+ helped her recognize her own abilities and improve the confidence she had within herself.
Today, Hillary is part of the review committee for CEW+ scholarships and is an active donor to the Center. She states that her involvement with CEW+ has allowed her to expand her efforts within the community and has provided her with an opportunity to reconnect with her own past experiences. Hillary expresses the importance of the Center both within the U-M and the Ann Arbor communities by stating that CEW+ provides scholarships that actually allow people to be open about their stories and closes many financial gaps for those who are choosing to continue their education regardless of the various challenges they may face along the way. Additionally, Hillary recognizes that the Center is also able to help scholars become motivated to continue on their journey toward graduation and beyond by empowering them as individuals. As she thinks about today’s CEW+ scholars and scholars to come, Hillary urges these students to recognize that their resilience makes them unique and completely able to accomplish their dreams and aspirations.
To help celebrate the 50th anniversary of CEW+ awarding scholarships, please consider making a gift to our Potential Made Possible Scholarship fund. Your donation can help ensure the next 50 years of CEW+ scholars. Click here for more information.