Rich Holcomb: Leading by Listening
"As a leader, I may not have all the answers, but if I listen, I learn, I understand, and I connect and partner with the right groups and the right leaders, collectively we can identify strategies and solutions to solve some of these very complex problems."

CEW+ Podcast: Strength in the Midst of Change
This episode of Strength in the Midst of Change features Rich Holcomb, Associate Vice President for Human Resources, Office of the Executive Vice President, and Chief Financial Officer. Rich shares how his early work experiences led to his current career in human resources at U-M, and how he helped shape and adapt telecommuting and PTO policies to better support staff affected by the pandemic. Make sure to listen to the end to hear his recommendations for resources that supervisors can use to lead and support their staff while working from home.
Resiliency is best demonstrated in times of challenges. Join CEW+ Director Tiffany Marra as she talks to students, staff, faculty, and community members connected to the University of Michigan’s Center for the Education of Women+ (CEW+) in our podcast, Strength in the Midst of Change. Through this podcast, CEW+ seeks to create a safe place where you will be inspired by the stories of everyday people. Originally created to document the challenges resulting from COVID-19, CEW+ has expanded the podcast to include stories of combating racism through individual and organizational action. This podcast will continue to evolve as societal challenges shift over time.
You can download and subscribe to Strength in the Midst of Change from — Apple Podcasts and SoundCloud. Subscribe, listen, and enjoy!
Resource links:
- University Human Resources
- Work-Life Resource Center
- Michigan Medicine Office of Counseling and Workplace Resilience
- Digital toolkit for managers in leading change and transition
- Staff Impact Awards
- Anti-Racism Primer: What Can I Do?
- WCTF Juneteenth Staff Town Hall on Social Justice, Health Equity and Police Reform
- Steve Hamilton, U-M Alum, author of crime fiction novels